Created page with "{| class="wikitable sortable" ! Generation !! Pokédex No. !! Pokémon !! Drops |- | 1 || 0001 || Bulbasaur || Melon Seeds 0-1 |- | 1 || 0002 || Ivysaur || Melon Seeds 0-2 |- | 1 || 0003 || Venusaur || Melon Seeds 0-3 |- | 1 || 0004 || Charmander || MC:Charcoal 0-1 |- | 1 || 0005 || Charmeleon || MC:Charcoal 0-2 |- | 1 || 0006 || Charizard || MC:Charcoal 0-3 |- | 1 || 0007 || Squirtle || Scute 0-1 |- | 1 || 0008 || Wartortle || Scute 0-2 |- | 1 || 0009 || Blastoise || Sc..."
mNo edit summary
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{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Generation !! Pokédex No. !! Pokémon !! Drops
! Generation !! Pokédex No. !! Pokémon !! Drops
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| 8 || 0851 || Centiskorch ||  
| 8 || 0851 || Centiskorch ||  

Revision as of 23:48, 19 March 2023

Generation Pokédex No. Pokémon Drops
1 0001 Bulbasaur Melon Seeds 0-1
1 0002 Ivysaur Melon Seeds 0-2
1 0003 Venusaur Melon Seeds 0-3
1 0004 Charmander MC:Charcoal 0-1
1 0005 Charmeleon MC:Charcoal 0-2
1 0006 Charizard MC:Charcoal 0-3
1 0007 Squirtle Scute 0-1
1 0008 Wartortle Scute 0-2
1 0009 Blastoise Scute 0-3
1 0010 Caterpie String 0-1
1 0010 Caterpie [Valencia] String 0-1
1 0011 Metapod String 0-2
1 0011 Metapod [Valencia] String 0-2
1 0012 Butterfree
1 0012 Butterfree [Valencia]
1 0013 Weedle String 0-1
1 0014 Kakuna String 0-2
1 0015 Beedrill
1 0016 Pidgey Feather 0-1, Raw Chicken 1
1 0017 Pidgeotto Feather 0-2, Raw Chicken 1
1 0018 Pidgeot Feather 0-3, Raw Chicken 1
1 0019 Rattata
1 0020 Raticate
1 0021 Spearow Feather 0-1, Raw Chicken 1
1 0022 Fearow Feather 0-2, Raw Chicken 1
1 0023 Ekans
1 0023 Ekans [Dark]
1 0024 Arbok
1 0024 Arbok [Dark]
1 0025 Pikachu
1 0026 Raichu
1 0027 Sandshrew
1 0028 Sandslash
1 0029 Nidoran♀
1 0030 Nidorina
1 0031 Nidoqueen
1 0032 Nidoran♂
1 0033 Nidorino
1 0034 Nidoking
1 0035 Clefairy
1 0036 Clefable
1 0037 Vulpix Sweet Berries 2-3
1 0038 Ninetales Sweet Berries 3-5
1 0039 Jigglypuff
1 0040 Wigglytuff
1 0041 Zubat
1 0042 Golbat
1 0043 Oddish
1 0043 Oddish [Valencia]
1 0044 Gloom
1 0044 Gloom [Valencia]
1 0045 Vileplume
1 0045 Vileplume [Valencia]
1 0046 Paras Red Mushroom 0-2
1 0047 Parasect Red Mushroom 1
1 0048 Venonat
1 0049 Venomoth
1 0050 Diglett Potato 0-1
1 0051 Dugtrio Potato 0-2
1 0052 Meowth Gold Nugget 0-2
1 0053 Persian Gold Ingot - 25%
1 0054 Psyduck
1 0055 Golduck
1 0056 Mankey
1 0057 Primeape
1 0058 Growlithe Bone 0-1
1 0059 Arcanine Bone 0-2
1 0060 Poliwag
1 0061 Poliwhirl Kings Rock - 5%
1 0062 Poliwrath
1 0063 Abra Ender Pearl 0-1
1 0064 Kadabra Ender Pearl 0-2, Link Cable - 5%
1 0065 Alakazam Ender Pearl 0-3
1 0066 Machop
1 0067 Machoke Link Cable - 5%
1 0068 Machamp
1 0069 Bellsprout
1 0070 Weepinbell
1 0071 Victreebel
1 0072 Tentacool Ink Sac 1-3 or Glow Ink Sac 1-3 - 10%
1 0073 Tentacruel Ink Sac 2-4 or Glow Ink Sac 2-4 - 10%
1 0074 Geodude Coal 0-1
1 0075 Graveler Coal 0-2, Link Cable - 5%
1 0076 Golem Coal 0-3
1 0077 Ponyta Leather 0-1
1 0078 Rapidash Leather 0-2
1 0079 Slowpoke
1 0080 Slowbro Kings Rock - 5%
1 0081 Magnemite
1 0082 Magneton
1 0083 Farfetch'd Feather 0-1, Raw Chicken 1
1 0084 Doduo Feather 0-1, Raw Chicken 1
1 0085 Dodrio Feather 0-2, Raw Chicken 1
1 0086 Seel Raw Cod 0-1
1 0087 Dewgong Raw Cod 0-2
1 0088 Grimer Slimeball 0-1
1 0089 Muk Slimeball 0-2
1 0090 Shellder
1 0091 Cloyster
1 0092 Gastly
1 0093 Haunter Link Cable - 5%
1 0094 Gengar
1 0095 Onix Flint 0-3, Metal Coat - 5%
1 0096 Drowzee
1 0097 Hypno
1 0098 Krabby
1 0099 Kingler
1 0100 Voltorb Gunpowder 0-1
1 0101 Electrode Gunpowder 0-2
1 0102 Exeggcute Egg 0-3
1 0103 Exeggutor Egg 0-3
1 0104 Cubone Bone 0-1
1 0105 Marowak Bone 1
1 0106 Hitmonlee
1 0107 Hitmonchan
1 0108 Lickitung Slimeball 0-2
1 0109 Koffing
1 0110 Weezing
1 0111 Rhyhorn
1 0112 Rhydon Protector - 5%
1 0113 Chansey Egg 0-1, Oval Stone - 25%
1 0114 Tangela
1 0115 Kangaskhan
1 0116 Horsea Prismarine Crystals 0-1
1 0117 Seadra Prismarine Crystals 0-2, Dragon Scale - 5%
1 0118 Goldeen Raw Salmon 1
1 0119 Seaking Raw Salmon 1
1 0120 Staryu
1 0121 Starmie
1 0122 Mr. Mime
1 0123 Scyther Metal Coat - 5%, Black Augurite - 5%
1 0124 Jynx
1 0125 Electabuzz Redstone 0-2, Electirizer - 5%
1 0126 Magmar Blaze Powder - 10%, Magmarizer - 5%
1 0127 Pinsir
1 0128 Tauros Leather 1-3, Raw Beef 2-4
1 0129 Magikarp Raw Salmon 1
1 0130 Gyarados
1 0131 Lapras Heart of the Sea - 25%
1 0132 Ditto
1 0133 Eevee
1 0134 Vaporeon
1 0135 Jolteon
1 0136 Flareon
1 0137 Porygon Up-Grade 0-1
1 0138 Omanyte
1 0139 Omastar
1 0140 Kabuto
1 0141 Kabutops
1 0142 Aerodactyl
1 0143 Snorlax 2x Apple 0-3
1 0147 Dratini Dragon's Breath 0-1
1 0148 Dragonair Dragon's Breath 0-2
1 0149 Dragonite Dragon's Breath 0-3
1 0169 Crobat
1 0172 Pichu
1 0173 Cleffa
1 0174 Igglybuff
1 0182 Bellossom
1 0182 Bellossom [Valencia]
1 0186 Politoed
1 0196 Espeon
1 0197 Umbreon
1 0199 Slowking King's Rock
1 0208 Steelix Iron Ore 0-3
1 0212 Scizor
1 0230 Kingdra Prismarine Crystals 0-3
1 0233 Porygon2 Dubious Disc 0-1
1 0236 Tyrogue
1 0237 Hitmontop
1 0238 Smoochum
1 0239 Elekid Redstone 0-1
1 0240 Magby Blaze Powder - 5%
1 0242 Blissey Egg 0-1, Oval Stone - 25%
1 0439 Mime Jr.
1 0440 Happiny Oval Stone - 25%
1 0446 Munchlax Apple 0-3
1 0462 Magnezone
1 0463 Lickilicky
1 0464 Rhyperior Protector
1 0465 Tangrowth
1 0466 Electivire Redstone 0-3
1 0467 Magmotar Blaze Powder - 20%
1 0470 Leafeon
1 0471 Glaceon
1 0474 Porygon-Z
1 0700 Sylveon
1 0900 Kleavor
2 0194 Wooper Clay Ball 0-1
2 0195 Quagsire Clay Ball 0-2
2 0220 Swinub Brown Wool 0-1
2 0221 Piloswine Brown Wool 0-2
2 0473 Mamoswine Brown Wool 0-3
3 0255 Torchic Feather 0-1, Raw Chicken 1
3 0256 Combusken Feather 0-2, Raw Chicken 1
3 0257 Blaziken Feather 0-3, Raw Chicken 1
3 0258 Mudkip Clay Ball 0-1
3 0259 Marshtomp Clay Ball 0-2
3 0260 Swampert Clay Ball 0-3
3 0302 Sableye Amethyst Shard 0-2, Diamond - 5%, Emerald - 5%
3 0311 Plusle
3 0312 Minun
4 0393 Piplup Feather 0-1, Raw Chicken 1
4 0394 Prinplup Feather 0-2, Raw Chicken 1
4 0395 Empoleon Feather 0-3, Raw Chicken 1
4 0399 Bidoof Stick 0-1
4 0400 Bibarel Stick 0-2
4 0417 Pachirisu
4 0427 Buneary Carrot 0-1, Rabbit Hide 0-1, Rabbit's Foot - 5%
4 0428 Lopunny Carrot 0-2, Rabbit Hide 0-2, Rabbit's Foot - 10%
5 0550 Basculin [Blue-Striped] Raw Salmon 1
5 0550 Basculin [Red-Striped] Raw Salmon 1
5 0556 Maractus
5 0557 Dwebble
5 0558 Crustle
5 0585 Deerling Leather 0-1
5 0586 Sawsbuck Leather 0-2
5 0587 Emolga
7 0019 Rattata [Alola]
7 0020 Raticate [Alola]
7 0037 Vulpix [Alola] Sweet Berries 2-3
7 0038 Ninetales [Alola] Sweet Berries 3-5
7 0722 Rowlet Feather 0-1, Raw Chicken 1
7 0723 Dartrix Feather 0-2, Raw Chicken 1
7 0724 Decidueye Feather 0-3, Raw Chicken 1
7 0725 Litten
7 0726 Torracat
7 0727 Incineroar
7 0761 Bounsweet
7 0762 Steenee
7 0763 Tsareena
7 0771 Pyukumuku Slime Ball 0-2
7 0778 Mimikyu
7 0778 Mimikyu [Bulbasaur]
7 0778 Mimikyu [Charmander]
7 0778 Mimikyu [Squirtle]
8 0850 Sizzlipede
8 0851 Centiskorch