This page is currently outdated as of version 1.4! For the updated Google spreadsheet, please refer to the link at:

Generation 1

Dex No. Pokémon Biome Time Weather Context Preset Rarity Levels canSeeSky Requirements
1 Bulbasaur Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-32 TRUE
2 Ivysaur Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
3 Venusaur Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 32-52 TRUE
4 Charmander Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 any
Hills any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
Volcanic any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
5 Charmeleon Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-40 any
Hills any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
Volcanic any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
6 Charizard Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 any
Hills any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
Volcanic any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
7 Squirtle River any any grounded Natural, River ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
River any any submerged River, Underwater ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
8 Wartortle River any any grounded Natural, River ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
River any any submerged River, Underwater ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
9 Blastoise River any any grounded Natural, River ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
River any any submerged River, Underwater ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
10 Caterpie Forest
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural common 2-19 TRUE
Plains any any grounded Natural, Foliage common 2-19 TRUE
Caterpie [Valencia] Jungle any any grounded Natural common 2-19 TRUE
11 Metapod Forest
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural common 7-20 TRUE
Plains any any grounded Natural, Foliage common 7-20 TRUE
Metapod [Valencia] Jungle any any grounded Natural common 7-20 TRUE
12 Butterfree Floral day clear grounded Natural common 10-39 TRUE
NOT Spooky
day clear grounded Natural common 10-39 TRUE
Butterfree [Valencia] Jungle day clear grounded Natural common 10-39 TRUE
13 Weedle Forest
NOT Freezing
any any grounded Natural common 2-19 TRUE
Jungle any any grounded Natural common 2-19 TRUE
14 Kakuna Forest
NOT Freezing
any any grounded Natural common 7-20 TRUE
Jungle any any grounded Natural common 7-20 TRUE
15 Beedrill Forest
NOT Freezing
day clear grounded Natural common 10-39 TRUE
Jungle day clear grounded Natural common 10-39 TRUE
16 Pidgey Sky day clear grounded Natural common 5-25 TRUE
NOT Spooky
day clear grounded Natural common 5-25 TRUE
17 Pidgeotto Sky day clear grounded Natural common 18-35 TRUE
NOT Spooky
day clear grounded Natural common 18-35 TRUE
18 Pidgeot Sky day clear grounded Natural common 36-48 TRUE
NOT Spooky
day clear grounded Natural common 36-48 TRUE
19 Rattata Grassland
NOT Spooky
night any grounded Natural common 4-25 TRUE
Rattata [Alola] Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 4-25 FALSE maxY = 0
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Derelict uncommon 4-25 FALSE maxY = 0
Spooky night any grounded Natural common 4-25 TRUE
Spooky any any grounded Derelict uncommon 4-25 FALSE
20 Raticate Grassland
NOT Spooky
night any grounded Natural common 20-41 TRUE
Raticate [Alola] Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 20-41 FALSE maxY = 0
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Derelict uncommon 20-41 FALSE maxY = 0
Spooky night any grounded Natural common 20-41 TRUE
Spooky any any grounded Derelict uncommon 20-41 FALSE
21 Spearow Badlands day clear grounded Natural common 4-26 TRUE
Savanna day clear grounded Natural common 4-26 TRUE
Sky day clear grounded Natural common 4-26 TRUE
22 Fearow Badlands day clear grounded Natural common 20-44 TRUE
Savanna day clear grounded Natural common 20-44 TRUE
Sky day clear grounded Natural common 20-44 TRUE
23 Ekans Arid any any grounded Natural common 9-29 TRUE
Ekans [Dark] Soul Sand Valley any any grounded Natural common 9-29 any
24 Arbok Arid any any grounded Natural common 22-45 TRUE
Arbok [Dark] Soul Sand Valley any any grounded Natural common 22-45 any
25 Pikachu Forest
NOT Spooky
day any grounded Natural uncommon 12-32 TRUE
26 Raichu Forest
NOT Spooky
day any grounded Natural uncommon 33-48 TRUE
27 Sandshrew Sandy any any grounded Natural common 6-30 any
28 Sandslash Sandy any any grounded Natural common 22-45 any
29 Nidoran♀ Savanna day any grounded Natural uncommon 5-27 TRUE
30 Nidorina Savanna day any grounded Natural uncommon 16-36 TRUE
31 Nidoqueen Savanna day any grounded Natural uncommon 37-50 TRUE
32 Nidoran♂ Savanna day any grounded Natural uncommon 5-27 TRUE
33 Nidorino Savanna day any grounded Natural uncommon 16-36 TRUE
34 Nidoking Savanna day any grounded Natural uncommon 37-50 TRUE
35 Clefairy Dripstone night any grounded Natural uncommon 20-32 TRUE
Dripstone any any grounded Underground uncommon 20-32 FALSE
Hills night any grounded Natural uncommon 20-32 TRUE Full Moon
NOT Spooky
night any grounded Natural uncommon 20-32 TRUE
36 Clefable Dripstone night any grounded Natural uncommon 33-48 TRUE
Dripstone any any grounded Underground uncommon 33-48 FALSE
Hills night any grounded Natural uncommon 33-48 TRUE Full Moon
NOT Spooky
night any grounded Natural uncommon 33-48 TRUE
37 Vulpix Forest
NOT Freezing
twilight any grounded Natural uncommon 16-30 TRUE
Vulpix [Alola] Snowy twilight any grounded Natural uncommon 16-30 TRUE
38 Ninetales Forest
NOT Freezing
twilight any grounded Natural uncommon 31-50 TRUE
Ninetales [Alola] Snowy twilight any grounded Natural uncommon 31-50 TRUE
39 Jigglypuff Floral any any grounded Natural common 12-27 TRUE
NOT Floral
any any grounded Natural common 12-27 TRUE
40 Wigglytuff Floral any any grounded Natural common 28-43 TRUE
NOT Floral
any any grounded Natural common 28-43 TRUE
41 Zubat Forest
NOT Spooky
night clear grounded Natural common 5-24 TRUE
Grassland night clear grounded Natural common 5-24 TRUE
NOT Freezing
night clear grounded Natural common 5-24 TRUE
Jungle night clear grounded Natural common 5-24 TRUE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 5-24 FALSE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Derelict uncommon 5-24 FALSE
Sky night clear grounded Natural common 5-24 TRUE
Spooky any clear grounded Natural common 5-24 TRUE
Swamp night clear grounded Natural common 5-24 TRUE
42 Golbat Forest
NOT Spooky
night clear grounded Natural common 22-45 TRUE
Grassland night clear grounded Natural common 22-45 TRUE
NOT Freezing
night clear grounded Natural common 22-45 TRUE
Jungle night clear grounded Natural common 22-45 TRUE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 22-45 FALSE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Derelict uncommon 22-45 FALSE
Sky night clear grounded Natural common 22-45 TRUE
Spooky any clear grounded Natural common 22-45 TRUE
Swamp night clear grounded Natural common 22-45 TRUE
43 Oddish Jungle night any grounded Natural common 4-32 TRUE
Temperate night any grounded Natural uncommon 4-32 TRUE
Oddish [Valencia] Savanna night any grounded Natural uncommon 4-32 TRUE
44 Gloom Jungle night any grounded Natural common 21-39 TRUE
Temperate night any grounded Natural uncommon 21-39 TRUE
Gloom [Valencia] Savanna night any grounded Natural uncommon 21-39 TRUE
45 Vileplume Jungle night any grounded Natural common 40-49 TRUE
Temperate night any grounded Natural uncommon 40-49 TRUE
Vileplume [Valencia] Savanna night any grounded Natural uncommon 40-49 TRUE
46 Paras Lush any any grounded Natural uncommon 11-28 FALSE
Mushroom any any grounded Natural common 11-28 any
47 Parasect Lush any any grounded Natural uncommon 24-40 FALSE
Mushroom any any grounded Natural common 24-40 any
48 Venonat Spooky night any grounded Natural common 13-30 TRUE
Swamp night any grounded Natural common 13-30 TRUE
49 Venomoth Spooky night clear grounded Natural common 31-45 TRUE
Swamp night clear grounded Natural common 31-45 TRUE
50 Diglett Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 8-26 FALSE
51 Dugtrio Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 26-42 FALSE
52 Meowth Temperate
NOT Spooky
night clear grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 12-29 TRUE
53 Persian Temperate
NOT Spooky
night clear grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 28-44 TRUE
54 Psyduck Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater common 12-32 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 12-32 TRUE
55 Golduck Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater common 33-50 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 33-50 TRUE
56 Mankey Hills any any grounded Natural common 12-30 TRUE
Jungle any any grounded Natural common 12-30 TRUE
57 Primeape Hills any any grounded Natural common 28-45 TRUE
Jungle any any grounded Natural common 28-45 TRUE
58 Growlithe Spooky
NOT Forest
day any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 12-35 TRUE
Grassland day any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 12-35 TRUE
Snowy day any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 12-35 TRUE
Tundra day any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 12-35 TRUE
59 Arcanine Forest
NOT Forest
day any grounded Natural uncommon 36-55 TRUE
Grassland day any grounded Natural uncommon 36-55 TRUE
Snowy day any grounded Natural uncommon 36-55 TRUE
Tundra day any grounded Natural uncommon 36-55 TRUE
60 Poliwag Freshwater any rain grounded Natural, Freshwater common 6-30 TRUE Lilypad
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 6-30 TRUE Lilypad
61 Poliwhirl Freshwater any rain grounded Natural, Freshwater common 25-38 TRUE Lilypad
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 25-38 TRUE Lilypad
62 Poliwrath Freshwater any rain grounded Natural, Freshwater common 39-51 TRUE Lilypad
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 39-51 TRUE Lilypad
63 Abra Hills night any grounded Natural rare 5-31 TRUE
Temperate night any grounded Natural rare 5-31 TRUE
65 Kadabra Hills night any grounded Natural rare 16-40 TRUE
Temperate night any grounded Natural rare 16-40 TRUE
65 Alakazam Hills night any grounded Natural rare 41-50 TRUE
Temperate night any grounded Natural rare 41-50 TRUE
66 Machop Hills day any grounded Natural common 12-30 TRUE
67 Machoke Hills day any grounded Natural common 28-40 TRUE
68 Machamp Hills day any grounded Natural common 41-50 TRUE
69 Bellsprout Jungle any any grounded Natural common 7-30 TRUE
70 Weepinbell Jungle any any grounded Natural common 21-39 TRUE
71 Victreebel Jungle any any grounded Natural common 40-49 TRUE
72 Tentacool Deep any any submerged Underwater common 8-33 TRUE
NOT Deep
any any submerged Underwater common 8-33 TRUE maxY = 52
73 Tentacruel Deep any any submerged Underwater common 30-51 TRUE
NOT Deep
any any submerged Underwater common 30-51 TRUE maxY = 52
74 Geodude Mountain any any grounded Natural common 10-30 TRUE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 10-30 FALSE
75 Graveler Mountain any any grounded Natural common 25-39 TRUE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 25-39 FALSE
76 Golem Mountain any any grounded Natural common 40-49 TRUE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 40-49 FALSE
77 Ponyta Grassland day clear grounded Natural uncommon 20-41 TRUE
Nether Wastes any any grounded Natural uncommon 20-41 any
78 Rapidash Grassland day clear grounded Natural uncommon 40-50 TRUE
Nether Wastes any any grounded Natural uncommon 40-50 any
79 Slowpoke Beach any any grounded Natural common 12-31 TRUE
80 Slowbro Beach any any grounded Natural common 37-49 TRUE
81 Magnemite Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Redstone uncommon 12-32 any
82 Magneton Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Redstone uncommon 30-46 any
83 Farfetch'd Temperate
NOT Spooky
day any grounded Natural rare 15-38 TRUE
84 Doduo Savanna day any grounded Natural common 8-31 TRUE
85 Dodrio Savanna day any grounded Natural common 31-47 TRUE
86 Seel Frozen any any grounded Natural common 11-32 TRUE
Frozen any any submerged Underwater common 11-32 TRUE
87 Dewgong Frozen any any grounded Natural common 34-47 TRUE
Frozen any any submerged Underwater common 34-47 TRUE
88 Grimer Swamp any any grounded Natural common 15-32 TRUE
89 Muk Swamp any any grounded Natural common 38-50 TRUE
90 Shellder Ocean any any seafloor Underwater common 12-30 TRUE
91 Cloyster Ocean any any seafloor Underwater common 31-52 TRUE
92 Gastly Abyss any any grounded Underground uncommon 8-31 FALSE
Nether any any grounded Natural common 8-31 any
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 8-31 FALSE maxLight = 0
Overworld any any grounded Derelict uncommon 8-31 FALSE
Spooky any any grounded Natural common 8-31 TRUE maxLight = 0
93 Haunter Abyss any any grounded Underground uncommon 25-40 FALSE
Nether any any grounded Natural common 25-40 any
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 25-40 FALSE maxLight = 0
Overworld any any grounded Derelict uncommon 25-40 FALSE
Spooky any any grounded Natural common 25-40 TRUE maxLight = 0
94 Gengar Abyss any any grounded Underground uncommon 41-50 FALSE
Nether any any grounded Natural common 41-50 any
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 41-50 FALSE maxLight = 0
Overworld any any grounded Derelict uncommon 41-50 FALSE
Spooky any any grounded Natural common 41-50 TRUE maxLight = 0
95 Onix Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground uncommon 20-38 FALSE
96 Drowzee Jungle night any grounded Natural, Urban common 9-33 TRUE
Savanna night any grounded Natural, Urban common 9-33 TRUE
97 Hypno Jungle night any grounded Natural, Urban common 26-48 TRUE
Savanna night any grounded Natural, Urban common 26-48 TRUE
98 Krabby Coast any any grounded Natural common 4-32 TRUE
99 Kingler Coast any any grounded Natural common 28-47 TRUE
100 Voltorb Overworld any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 13-33 TRUE
101 Electrode Overworld any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 30-49 TRUE
102 Exeggcute Jungle any any grounded Natural uncommon 10-32 TRUE
103 Exeggutor Jungle any any grounded Natural uncommon 33-53 TRUE
104 Cubone Sandy any any grounded Natural common 12-32 TRUE
105 Marowak Sandy any any grounded Natural common 28-42 TRUE
106 Hitmonlee Hills day any grounded Natural uncommon 20-45 TRUE
107 Hitmonchan Hills day any grounded Natural uncommon 20-45 TRUE
108 Lickitung Grassland day any grounded Natural uncommon 18-32 TRUE
109 Koffing Nether any any grounded Natural common 12-34 any
Swamp any any grounded Natural common 12-34 TRUE
110 Weezing Nether any any grounded Natural common 35-49 any
Swamp any any grounded Natural common 35-49 TRUE
111 Rhyhorn Savanna day any grounded Natural common 15-34 TRUE
112 Rhydon Savanna day any grounded Natural common 42-48 TRUE
113 Chansey Overworld day any grounded Natural, Urban rare 4-45 TRUE
114 Tangela Jungle any any grounded Natural common 8-23 TRUE
115 Kangaskhan Savanna day any grounded Natural rare 24-49 TRUE
116 Horsea Lukewarm any any submerged Underwater uncommon 10-29 TRUE
117 Seadra Lukewarm any any submerged Underwater uncommon 32-44 TRUE
118 Goldeen River any any submerged River, Underwater common 10-32 TRUE
119 Seaking River any any submerged River, Underwater common 33-45 TRUE
120 Staryu Coast night any grounded Natural uncommon 12-34 TRUE
Ocean any any seafloor Underwater uncommon 12-34 TRUE
121 Starmie Coast night any grounded Natural uncommon 35-52 TRUE
Ocean any any seafloor Underwater uncommon 35-52 TRUE
122 Mr. Mime Arid any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 32-46 TRUE
NOT Snowy
any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 32-46 TRUE
Temperate any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 32-46 TRUE
123 Scyther Forest
NOT Spooky
day any grounded Natural rare 20-50 TRUE
Jungle day any grounded Natural uncommon 20-50 TRUE
124 Jynx Snowy any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 30-45 TRUE
Tundra any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 30-45 TRUE
125 Electabuzz Plains any storm grounded Natural common 30-49 TRUE
Plains any any grounded Natural common 30-49 TRUE Lightning Rod
126 Magmar Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural uncommon 30-49 any
Crimson Forest any any grounded Natural uncommon 30-49 any
NOT Volcanic
any clear grounded Natural common 30-49 TRUE Lava
Nether Wastes any any grounded Natural uncommon 30-49 any
Volcanic any clear grounded Natural common 30-49 TRUE
127 Pinsir Jungle day any grounded Natural rare 20-50 TRUE
128 Tauros Grassland day any grounded Natural uncommon 20-49 TRUE
129 Magikarp Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 1-20 TRUE
Ocean any any submerged Underwater common 1-20 TRUE
130 Gyarados Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 20-54 TRUE
Freshwater any any surface Freshwater, Water Surface uncommon 20-54 TRUE
Ocean any any submerged Underwater common 20-54 TRUE
Ocean any any surface Water Surface uncommon 20-54 TRUE
131 Lapras Frozen any any surface Water Surface rare 20-53 TRUE
132 Ditto Overworld any any grounded Natural rare 1-29 TRUE
133 Eevee Overworld any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-32 TRUE
Temperate any any grounded Natural rare 5-32 TRUE
134 Vaporeon Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater ultra-rare 33-52 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater ultra-rare 33-52 TRUE
135 Jolteon Grassland any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 33-52 TRUE
136 Flareon Sandy any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 33-52 TRUE
137 Porygon Overworld any any grounded uncommon 15-39 any PC
138 Omanyte Lush any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 15-35 any
Lush any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 15-35 any
139 Omastar Lush any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 40-49 any
Lush any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 40-49 any
140 Kabuto Lush any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 15-35 any
Lush any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 15-35 any
141 Kabutops Lush any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 40-49 any
Lush any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 40-49 any
142 Aerodactyl Lush any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 25-51 any
143 Snorlax Forest any any grounded Natural rare 20-54 TRUE
Hills any any grounded Natural rare 20-54 TRUE
147 Dratini Overworld any any submerged Underwater rare 15-30 FALSE maxY = 32
Overworld any any surface Water Surface rare 15-30 FALSE maxY = 32
148 Dragonair Overworld any any submerged Underwater rare 30-42 FALSE maxY = 32
Overworld any any surface Water Surface rare 30-42 FALSE maxY = 32
149 Dragonite Overworld any any grounded Underground rare 55-60 FALSE maxY = 32, Water
Sky any rain grounded Natural rare 55-60 TRUE

Generation 2

Dex No. Pokémon Biome Time Weather Context Preset Rarity Levels canSeeSky Requirements
169 Crobat Forest
NOT Spooky
night clear grounded Natural common 45-53 TRUE
Grassland night clear grounded Natural common 45-53 TRUE
NOT Freezing
night clear grounded Natural common 45-53 TRUE
Jungle night clear grounded Natural common 45-53 TRUE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 45-53 FALSE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Derelict uncommon 45-53 FALSE
Sky night clear grounded Natural common 45-53 TRUE
Spooky any clear grounded Natural common 45-53 TRUE
Swamp night clear grounded Natural common 45-53 TRUE
172 Pichu Forest
NOT Spooky
day any grounded Natural uncommon 4-20 TRUE
173 Cleffa Dripstone night any grounded Natural uncommon 4-22 TRUE
Dripstone any any grounded Underground uncommon 4-22 FALSE
Hills night any grounded Natural uncommon 4-22 TRUE
NOT Spooky
night any grounded Natural uncommon 4-22 TRUE
174 Igglybuff Floral any any grounded Natural common 4-21 TRUE
NOT Floral
any any grounded Natural common 4-21 TRUE
177 Natu Badlands day any grounded Natural uncommon 10-32 TRUE
Plateau day any grounded Natural uncommon 10-32 TRUE
178 Xatu Badlands day any grounded Natural uncommon 25-47 TRUE
Plateau day any grounded Natural uncommon 25-47 TRUE
182 Bellossom Floral day any grounded Natural common 40-49 TRUE
Jungle day any grounded Natural uncommon 40-49 TRUE
Bellossom [Valencia] Savanna day any grounded Natural uncommon 40-49 TRUE
186 Politoed Freshwater rain any grounded Natural, Freshwater common 39-50 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 39-50 TRUE Lilypad
193 Yanma Freshwater day clear surface Water Surface common 11-39 TRUE
194 Wooper Swamp any rain grounded Natural common 4-21 TRUE
Swamp any any submerged Underwater common 4-21 TRUE
195 Quagsire Swamp any rain grounded Natural common 20-43 TRUE
Swamp any any submerged Underwater common 20-43 TRUE
196 Espeon Hills any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 33-52 TRUE
197 Umbreon Spooky any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 33-52 TRUE
198 Murkrow Sky night clear grounded Natural uncommon 15-40 TRUE
Spooky any clear grounded Natural common 15-40 TRUE
Swamp night clear grounded Natural uncommon 15-40 TRUE
Taiga night clear grounded Natural uncommon 15-40 TRUE
199 Slowking Beach any any grounded Natural common 37-49 TRUE
200 Misdreavus Spooky any any grounded Natural common 14-43 TRUE maxLight = 7
Spooky any any grounded Underground uncommon 14-43 FALSE
Spooky any any grounded Derelict uncommon 14-43 FALSE
Swamp night any grounded Natural common 14-43 TRUE
Swamp any any grounded Underground uncommon 14-43 FALSE
Swamp any any grounded Derelict uncommon 14-43 FALSE
Warped Forest any any grounded Natural common 14-43 any
204 Pineco Taiga any any grounded Natural uncommon 12-30 TRUE
205 Forretress Taiga any any grounded Natural common 31-46 TRUE
208 Steelix Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 39-51 FALSE
212 Scizor Jungle day any grounded Natural uncommon 50-50 TRUE
215 Sneasel Taiga night any grounded Natural uncommon 12-43 TRUE
218 Slugma Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural common 8-25 any
Nether Wastes any any grounded Natural common 8-25 any
Nether any any surface Lava Surface common 8-25 any
NOT Volcanic
any any surface Lava Surface common 8-25 any
Volcanic any any grounded Natural common 8-25 any Lava
Volcanic any any surface Lava Surface common 8-25 any
219 Magcargo Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural common 38-43 any
Nether Wastes any any grounded Natural common 38-43 any
Nether any any surface Lava Surface common 38-43 any
NOT Volcanic
any any surface Lava Surface common 38-43 any
Volcanic any any grounded Natural common 38-43 any Lava
Volcanic any any surface Lava Surface common 38-43 any
220 Swinub Tundra any any grounded Natural uncommon 5-25 TRUE
221 Piloswine Tundra any any grounded Natural uncommon 33-45 TRUE
230 Kingdra Lukewarm any rain submerged Underwater uncommon 45-54 TRUE
233 Porygon2 Overworld any any grounded uncommon 40-51 any PC
234 Stantler Snowy any any grounded Natural common 16-46 TRUE
Tundra any any grounded Natural common 16-46 TRUE
236 Tyrogue Hills day any grounded Natural uncommon 5-21 TRUE
237 Hitmontop Hills day any grounded Natural uncommon 20-45 TRUE
238 Smoochum Snowy any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 12-30 TRUE
Tundra any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 12-30 TRUE
239 Elekid Plains any storm grounded Natural common 12-36 TRUE
Plains any any grounded Natural common 12-36 TRUE Lightning Rod
240 Magby Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural uncommon 12-36 any
Crimson Forest any any grounded Natural uncommon 12-36 any
NOT Volcanic
any clear grounded Natural common 12-36 TRUE Lava
Nether Wastes any any grounded Natural uncommon 12-36 any
Volcanic any clear grounded Natural common 12-36 TRUE
241 Miltank Grassland day any grounded Natural uncommon 15 -49 TRUE
242 Blissey Overworld day any grounded Natural, Urban rare 46-54 TRUE

Generation 3

Dex No. Pokémon Biome Time Weather Context Preset Rarity Levels canSeeSky Requirements
252 Treecko Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
253 Grovyle Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
254 Sceptile Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
255 Torchic Plains any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
256 Combusken Plains any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
257 Blaziken Plains any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
258 Mudkip Swamp any rain grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
Swamp any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
259 Marshtomp Swamp any rain grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
Swamp any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
260 Swampert Swamp any rain grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
Swamp any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
270 Lotad Swamp any rain grounded Natural common 6-22 TRUE
Swamp any any surface Water Surface common 6-22 TRUE
271 Lombre Swamp any rain grounded Natural common 14-34 TRUE
Swamp any any surface Water Surface common 14-34 TRUE
272 Ludicolo Swamp any rain grounded Natural common 35-48 TRUE
Swamp any any surface Water Surface common 35-48 TRUE
273 Seedot Forest any any grounded Natural common 6-22 TRUE
274 Nuzleaf Forest any any grounded Natural common 14-34 TRUE
275 Shiftry Forest any any grounded Natural common 35-48 TRUE
293 Whismur Abyss any any grounded Underground uncommon 5-24 FALSE
294 Loudred Abyss any any grounded Underground uncommon 20-39 FALSE
295 Exploud Abyss any any grounded Underground uncommon 40-49 FALSE
299 Nosepass Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground uncommon 16-37 FALSE
302 Sableye Overworld any any grounded Underground common 15-38 FALSE Gem Ores
303 Mawile Abyss any any grounded Underground uncommon 16-38 FALSE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground rare 16-38 FALSE
311 Plusle Plains any any grounded Natural rare 10-40 TRUE
312 Minun Plains any any grounded Natural rare 10-40 TRUE
318 Carvanha Ocean any any submerged Underwater uncommon 12-30 TRUE
319 Sharpedo Ocean any any submerged Underwater uncommon 30-46 TRUE
320 Wailmer Deep any any submerged Underwater uncommon 18-40 TRUE
321 Wailord Deep any any submerged Underwater uncommon 40-50 TRUE
324 Torkoal Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural uncommon 20-47 any
Mountain any any grounded Natural common 20-47 any Coal Ore
NOT Abyss

NOT Thermal

any any grounded Underground uncommon 20-47 FALSE Coal Ore
Thermal any any grounded Natural uncommon 20-47 any Coal Ore
327 Spinda Bamboo any any grounded rare 10-36 TRUE
Hills any any grounded rare 10-36 TRUE
343 Baltoy Sandy
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground uncommon 12-30 FALSE
344 Claydol Sandy
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground uncommon 36-50 FALSE
370 Luvdisc Reef day any submerged Underwater common 4-33 TRUE

Generation 4

Dex No. Pokémon Biome Time Weather Context Preset Rarity Levels canSeeSky Requirements
387 Turtwig Forest
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-32 TRUE
388 Grotle Forest
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 18-40 TRUE
389 Torterra Forest
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 32-52 TRUE
390 Chimchar Crimson Forest any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 any
Mountain any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
391 Monferno Crimson Forest any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 14-40 any
Mountain any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 14-40 TRUE
392 Infernape Crimson Forest any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 any
Mountain any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
393 Piplup Frozen any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
Frozen any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
394 Prinplup Frozen any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
Frozen any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
395 Empoleon Frozen any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
Frozen any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
399 Bidoof Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater common 1-25 TRUE
Freshwater any any surface Freshwater, Water Surface common 1-25 TRUE
400 Bibarel Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater common 15-41 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 15-41 TRUE
401 Kricketot Forest
NOT Freezing
night any grounded Natural common 2-19 TRUE
Swamp night any grounded Natural common 2-19 TRUE
402 Kricketune Forest
NOT Freezing
night any grounded Natural common 10-38 TRUE
Swamp night any grounded Natural common 10-38 TRUE
417 Pachirisu Forest
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural uncommon 13-40 TRUE
427 Buneary Forest any any grounded Natural common 8-35 TRUE
Hills any any grounded Natural common 8-35 TRUE
Snowy any any grounded Natural common 8-35 TRUE
428 Lopunny Forest any any grounded Natural common 36-48 TRUE
Hills any any grounded Natural common 36-48 TRUE
Snowy any any grounded Natural common 36-48 TRUE
429 Mismagius Spooky any any grounded Natural common 44-49 TRUE maxLight = 7
Spooky any any grounded Underground uncommon 44-49 FALSE
Spooky any any grounded Derelict uncommon 44-49 TRUE
Swamp night any grounded Natural common 44-49 TRUE
Swamp any any grounded Underground uncommon 44-49 FALSE
Swamp any any grounded Derelict uncommon 44-49 TRUE
Warped Forest any any grounded Natural common 44-49 any
430 Honchkrow Sky night clear grounded Natural uncommon 41-50 TRUE
Spooky any clear grounded Natural common 41-50 TRUE
Swamp night clear grounded Natural uncommon 41-50 TRUE
Taiga night clear grounded Natural uncommon 41-50 TRUE
439 Mime Jr. Arid any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 12-31 TRUE
NOT Freezing
any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 12-31 TRUE
Temperate any any grounded Natural, Urban uncommon 12-31 TRUE
440 Happiny Overworld day any grounded Natural, Urban rare 4-22 TRUE
442 Spiritomb Abyss any any grounded Underground uncommon 25-48 FALSE Deepslate (Crafted)
443 Gible Mountain any any grounded Natural rare 12-30 any
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground ultra-rare 12-30 FALSE
444 Gabite Mountain any any grounded Natural rare 24-47 any
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground ultra-rare 24-47 FALSE
445 Garchomp Mountain any any grounded Natural rare 48-60 any
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground ultra-rare 48-60 FALSE
446 Munchlax Forest any any grounded Natural rare 12-39 TRUE
Hills any any grounded Natural rare 12-39 TRUE
447 Riolu Mountain any any grounded Natural rare 12-28 TRUE
448 Lucario Mountain any any grounded Natural rare 29-52 TRUE
461 Weavile Taiga night any grounded common 44-51 TRUE
462 Magnezone Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Redstone uncommon 47-53 any
463 Lickilicky Grassland day any grounded Natural uncommon 33-51 TRUE
464 Rhyperior Hills day any grounded Natural common 49-53 TRUE
465 Tangrowth Jungle any any grounded Natural common 24-53 TRUE
466 Electivire Plains any storm grounded Natural common 50-54 TRUE
Plains any any grounded Natural common 50-54 TRUE Lightning Rod
467 Magmortar Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural uncommon 50-54 any
Crimson Forest any any grounded Natural uncommon 50-54 any
Hills any clear grounded Natural common 50-54 TRUE Lava
Nether Wastes any any grounded Natural uncommon 50-54 any
Volcanic any clear grounded Natural common 50-54 TRUE
469 Yanmega Freshwater day clear surface Water Surface common 33-51 TRUE
470 Leafeon Forest
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 33-52 TRUE
Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 33-2 TRUE
471 Glaceon Freezing any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 33-52 TRUE
473 Mamoswine Tundra any any grounded Natural common 46-53 TRUE
474 Porygon-Z Overworld any any grounded uncommon 52-53 TRUE PC
476 Probopass Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground uncommon 38-52 FALSE

Generation 5

Dex No. Pokémon Biome Time Weather Context Preset Rarity Levels canSeeSky Requirements
495 Snivy Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
496 Servine Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 17-41 TRUE
497 Serperior Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
498 Tepig Crimson Forest any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 any
Plains any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
499 Pignite Crimson Forest any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 17-42 any
Plains any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 17-42 TRUE
500 Emboar Crimson Forest any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 any
Plains any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
501 Oshawott Coast any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
Coast any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
502 Dewott Coast any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 17-41 TRUE
Coast any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 17-41 TRUE
503 Samurott Coast any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
Coast any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
550 Basculin [Blue-Striped] Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 4-46 TRUE moonPhase = 2, 3, 4
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater uncommon 4-46 TRUE moonPhase = 6, 7, 8
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 4-46 TRUE moonPhase = 1, 5
Basculin [Red-Striped] Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 4-46 TRUE moonPhase = 6, 7, 8
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater uncommon 4-46 TRUE moonPhase = 2, 3, 4
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater common 4-46 TRUE moonPhase = 1, 5
556 Maractus Sandy any any grounded Natural common 8-46 TRUE
557 Dwebble Badlands any any grounded Natural common 8-32 any
558 Crustle Badlands any any grounded Natural common 34-48 any
561 Sigilyph Desert any any grounded Natural common 20-49 TRUE Sandstone (Crafted)
585 Deerling Floral
NOT Savanna
day any grounded Natural common 7-33 TRUE
Forest day any grounded Natural common 7-33 TRUE
Hills day any grounded Natural common 7-33 TRUE
Plains day any grounded Natural common 7-33 TRUE
Snowy day any grounded Natural common 7-33 TRUE
Taiga day any grounded Natural common 7-33 TRUE
586 Sawsbuck Floral day any grounded Natural common 34-47 TRUE
Forest day any grounded Natural common 34-47 TRUE
Hills day any grounded Natural common 34-47 TRUE
Plains day any grounded Natural common 34-47 TRUE
Snowy day any grounded Natural common 34-47 TRUE
Taiga day any grounded Natural common 34-47 TRUE
587 Emolga Taiga any any grounded Natural uncommon 10-43 TRUE
595 Joltik Badlands night any grounded Natural common 8-32 TRUE
Jungle night any grounded Natural common 8-32 TRUE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 8-32 FALSE
Savanna night any grounded Natural common 8-32 TRUE
596 Galvantula Badlands night any grounded Natural common 36-47 TRUE
Jungle night any grounded Natural common 36-47 TRUE
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground common 36-47 FALSE
Savanna night any grounded Natural common 36-47 TRUE
599 Klink Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground uncommon 12-30 FALSE Redstone Ore, Rails
Overworld any any grounded Redstone uncommon 12-30 any create:cogwheel
600 Klang Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground uncommon 38-44 FALSE Redstone Ore, Rails
Overworld any any grounded Redstone uncommon 38-44 any create:cogwheel
601 Klinklang Overworld
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Underground uncommon 49-52 FALSE Redstone Ore, Rails
Overworld any any grounded Redstone uncommon 49-52 any create:cogwheel
605 Elgyem End any any grounded Natural uncommon 12-33 any
Overworld night any grounded Natural common 12-33 TRUE Wheat
606 Beheeyem End any any grounded Natural uncommon 42-48 any
Overworld night any grounded Natural common 42-48 TRUE Wheat
615 Cryogonal Freezing any rain grounded Natural uncommon 16-51 TRUE
622 Golett Abyss any any grounded Underground uncommon 20-30 FALSE Deepslate (Crafted)
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Ruined Structures common 20-30 FALSE
623 Golurk Abyss any any grounded Underground uncommon 43-48 FALSE Deepslate (Crafted)
NOT Abyss
any any grounded Ruined Structures common 43-48 FALSE
631 Heatmor Badlands any any grounded Natural uncommon 20-48 TRUE
Hills any any grounded Natural uncommon 20-48 TRUE
Nether any any grounded Natural uncommon 20-48 any
632 Durant Badlands any any grounded Natural common 16-48 any
Hills any any grounded Natural common 16-48 any
Nether any any grounded Natural uncommon 16-48 any

Generation 6

Dex No. Pokémon Biome Time Weather Context Preset Rarity Levels canSeeSky Requirements
650 Chespin Forest
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
651 Quilladin Forest
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
652 Chesnaught Forest
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
653 Fennekin Desert any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
654 Braixen Desert any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-41 TRUE
655 Delphox Desert any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
656 Froakie Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
657 Frogadier Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater ultra-rare 16-40 TRUE
658 Greninja Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater ultra-rare 36-53 TRUE
679 Honedge Nether any any grounded uncommon 12-32 any Blackstone & Nether Bricks (Crafted)
Overworld any any grounded uncommon 12-32 FALSE Iron Bars, Cracked Stone Bricks
680 Doublade Nether any any grounded uncommon 35-45 any Blackstone & Nether Bricks (Crafted)
Overworld any any grounded uncommon 35-45 FALSE Iron Bars, Cracked Stone Bricks
681 Aegislash Nether any any grounded uncommon 46-50 any Blackstone & Nether Bricks (Crafted)
Overworld any any grounded uncommon 46-50 FALSE Iron Bars, Cracked Stone Bricks
700 Sylveon Floral any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 15-52 TRUE
NOT Spooky
any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 15-52 TRUE
710 Pumpkaboo Overworld night any grounded Natural common 8-33 TRUE Pumpkin
711 Gourgeist Overworld night any grounded Natural common 34-49 TRUE Pumpkin
712 Bergmite Frozen any any grounded Natural common 9-30 TRUE
Frozen any any surface Water Surface common 9-30 TRUE
713 Avalugg Frozen any any grounded Natural common 37-51 TRUE
Frozen any any surface Water Surface common 37-51 TRUE

Generation 7

Dex No. Pokémon Biome Time Weather Context Preset Rarity Levels canSeeSky Requirements
722 Rowlet Taiga
NOT Snowy
any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-16 TRUE
723 Dartrix Taiga
NOT Snowy
any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 17-33 TRUE
724 Decidueye Taiga
NOT Snowy
any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 34-53 TRUE
725 Litten Jungle any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-16 TRUE
726 Torracat Jungle any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 17-33 TRUE
727 Incineroar Jungle any clear grounded Natural ultra-rare 34-53 TRUE
728 Popplio Coast any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-16 TRUE
Coast any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 5-16 TRUE
729 Brionne Coast any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 17-33 TRUE
Coast any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 17-33 TRUE
730 Primarina Coast any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 34-53 TRUE
Coast any any submerged Underwater ultra-rare 34-53 TRUE
755 Morelull Jungle any any grounded Natural common 8-28 any maxLight = 7
Lush any any grounded Natural common 8-28 FALSE
Magical any any grounded Natural common 8-28 any maxLight = 7
Mushroom any any grounded Natural common 8-28 any maxLight = 7
756 Shiinotic Jungle any any grounded Natural common 24-40 any maxLight = 7
Lush any any grounded Natural common 24-40 FALSE
Magical any any grounded Natural common 24-40 any maxLight = 7
Mushroom any any grounded Natural common 24-40 any maxLight = 7
761 Bounsweet Jungle any any grounded Natural common 4-21 TRUE
762 Steenee Jungle any any grounded Natural common 18-29 TRUE
763 Tsareena Jungle any any grounded Natural common 28-51 TRUE
771 Pyukumuku Beach any any grounded Natural uncommon 15-41 TRUE
NOT Reef
any any submerged Underwater common 15-41 TRUE minY = 49
Reef any any submerged Underwater common 15-41 TRUE
778 Mimikyu Spooky any any grounded Natural rare 12-48 any
781 Dhelmise Ocean any any submerged Underwater common 20-52 TRUE Wood

Generation 8

Dex No. Pokémon Biome Time Weather Context Preset Rarity Levels canSeeSky Requirements
810 Grookey Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
811 Thwackey Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-42 TRUE
812 Rillaboom Jungle any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 35-53 TRUE
813 Scorbunny Grassland any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
814 Raboot Grassland any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 16-42 TRUE
815 Cinderace Grassland any any grounded Natural ultra-rare 35-53 TRUE
816 Sobble Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater ultra-rare 5-31 TRUE
817 Drizzile Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater ultra-rare 16-42 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater ultra-rare 16-42 TRUE
818 Inteleon Freshwater any any grounded Natural, Freshwater ultra-rare 35-53 TRUE
Freshwater any any submerged Freshwater, Underwater ultra-rare 35-53 TRUE
831 Wooloo Mountain any any grounded Natural common 4-27 TRUE
Plains any any grounded Natural common 4-27 TRUE
832 Dubwool Mountain any any grounded Natural common 24-49 TRUE
Plains any any grounded Natural common 24-49 TRUE
850 Sizzlipede Badlands any any grounded Natural common 10-30 TRUE
Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural common 10-30 any
Nether Wastes any any grounded Natural common 10-30 any
851 Centiskorch Badlands any any grounded Natural common 28-52 TRUE
Basalt Deltas any any grounded Natural common 28-52 any
Nether Wastes any any grounded Natural common 28-52 any
868 Milcery Overworld any any grounded common 5-27 any Cake
869 Alcremie Overworld any any grounded common 28-49 any Cake
875 Eiscue Frozen any any grounded Natural common 12-47 TRUE
Frozen any any surface Water Surface common 12-47 TRUE
899 Wyrdeer Snowy any any grounded Natural common 47-52 TRUE
Tundra any any grounded Natural common 47-52 TRUE
900 Kleavor Forest
NOT Spooky
day any grounded Natural rare 50 TRUE

Generation 9

Dex No. Pokémon Biome Time Weather Context Preset Rarity Levels canSeeSky Requirements
978 Tatsugiri Swamp any any grounded Natural rare 17-47 TRUE
Swamp any any submerged Underwater rare 17-47 TRUE