Category | Setting | Default | Min-Max/Options | Description |
Pokemon | maxPokemonLevel | 100 | 1-1000 | The maximum level Pokémon can get to. |
Pokemon | maxPokemonFriendship | 255 | 0-1000 | The maximum friendship value. |
Pokemon | announceDropItems | true | true/false | Whether to notify the Player of dropped items from defeating wild Pokémon. |
Pokemon | defaultDropItemMethod | on-entity | on-entity/on-player/to-inventory |
entity: Drops the item on the entity that is dying, if it exists. If not, drops at the position parsed into drops. |
Pokemon | ambientPokemonCryTicks | 1080 | Ticks between Pokémon cries. (Currently unused) | |
Pokemon | experienceMultiplier | 2 | Additional Exp multiplier for Exp calculation. | |
Pokemon | ninjaskCreatesShedinja | true | true/false | Whether to give the Player a Shedinja using the first available Pokéball in their inventory when evolving a Nincada. |
Pokemon | displayEntityLevelLabel | true | true/false | Whether to display the level above a Pokémon. |
Pokemon | captureCalculator | cobblemon | cobblemon | The ID of the capture calculator. Can be added by another mod. If the ID doesn't exist it uses the default capture calculator. |
Pokemon | playerDamagePokemon | true | true/false | Whether Players can attack Pokémon like normal Minecraft entities. |
Pokemon | maxDynamaxLevel | 10 | 0-10 | The maximum Dynamax level Pokémon can be upgraded to. |
Storage | defaultBoxCount | 30 | 1-1000 | The number of boxes available in the PC. |
Storage | pokemonSaveIntervalSeconds | 30 | 1-120 | Seconds between saving storage data to file. eg Party & PC data. |
Storage | storageFormat | nbt | nbt/json/mongodb | The storage format used for storing Cobblemon data. |
Storage | preventCompletePartyDeposit | false | true/false | Whether to prevent Players from depositing their last Party Pokémon into the PC. |
Storage | mongoDBConnectionString | mongodb://localhost:27017 | mongodb://IP address:port | The database connection string for your mongoDB database for Cobblemon data storage. |
Storage | mongoDBDatabaseName | cobblemon | The name of the mongoDB for Cobblemon data storage. | |
Spawning | maxVerticalCorrectionBlocks | 64 | 1-200 | The maximum number of blocks that can be corrected when choosing a spawning area. The larger this value, the more reliably spawning will work in vertically bumpy terrain such as mountains. Raising this value only has a very small, negative impact on performance. |
Spawning | minimumLevelRangeMax | 10 | 1-1000 | The value considered to be the highest party Pokémon level when a player's party is empty or extremely low level. The higher this value, the higher the levels of Pokémon can be around players with no or very weak Pokémon. |
Spawning | enableSpawning | true | true/false | Whether to allow Pokémon to spawn. |
Spawning | minimumDistanceBetweenEntities | 8.0 | The minimum block distance between spawning Pokémon and existing Entities in the World. This prevents clustered Pokémon spawning. | |
Spawning | maxNearbyBlocksHorizontalRange | 4 | The maximum number of horizontal blocks away that a block can be for it to still be considered 'nearby' in a spawn condition. Lowering this value can slightly improve performance. | |
Spawning | maxNearbyBlocksVerticalRange | 2 | The maximum number of vertical blocks away that a block can be for it to still be considered 'nearby' in a spawn condition. Lowering this value can slightly improve performance. | |
Spawning | maxVerticalSpace | 8 | How far to check above a spawn location to investigate head room. This value exists for performance reasons but should never be less than the largest 'height'/'depth' condition in a spawn file. | |
Spawning | worldSliceDiameter | 8 | The diameter of the world slices that a spawn action can occur in. When this value is large, there is more reliably frequent spawning at the cost of performance. | |
Spawning | worldSliceHeight | 16 | The height of the world slices that a spawn action can occur in. When this value is large, there is more reliably frequent spawning at the cost of performance. | |
Spawning | ticksBetweenSpawnAttempts | 20.0 | The amount of ticks (~20/second) between spawn attempts. | |
Spawning | minimumSliceDistanceFromPlayer | 16.0 | Minimum amount of blocks from the Player that Pokémon can spawn. | |
Spawning | maximumSliceDistanceFromPlayer | 64.0 | Maximum amount of blocks from the Player that Pokémon can spawn. | |
Spawning | exportSpawnConfig | false | true/false | Whether to generate the spawn config for more specific spawning settings. |
Spawning | savePokemonToWorld | true | true/false | Whether to save Pokémon to the World so they exist after a Chunk/World is reloaded. |
Spawning | pokemonPerChunk | 1.0 | The amount of Pokémon allowed within a Chunk when spawning. | |
Spawning | baseApricornTreeGenerationChance | 0.1 | Multiplier on biome-based chance for Apricorn trees to spawn during world generation. | |
Spawning | shinyRate | 8192.0 | The chance for a spawned Pokémon to be shiny. If 0 no spawned Pokémon will be shiny. Calculated as 1/x. | |
Spawning | teraTypeRate | 20.0 | The chance for a spawned Pokémon to have a Tera type that doesn't match it's typing. Calculated as 1/x. | |
Starter | exportStarterConfig | false | true/false | Whether to generate starter.json for editing the starter list. |
Battles | autoUpdateShowdown | true | true/false | Whether to automatically update Showdown to the version shipped in the current Cobblemon version. |
Battles | defaultFleeDistance | 32 | How far away a Player must get to flee a battle (non-PvP). If the value is -1, battles cannot be fled. | |
Battles | allowExperienceFromPvP | true | true/false | Whether to allow Exp gain from PvP battles. |
Battles | experienceShareMultiplier | 0.5 | Multiplier of how much of the total Exp is given to a Pokémon holding an Exp. Share. | |
Battles | luckyEggMultiplier | 1.5 | Multiplier of how much of the total Exp is given to a Pokémon holding a Lucky Egg. | |
Battles | allowSpectating | true | true/false | Whether to allow battles to be spectated. |
Battles | walkingInBattleAnimations | false | true/false | Whether to allow walking animations to play during battle animations. |
Passive Status | 180-300 | Range of seconds before clearing the status effect. The value is selected randomly from the range each time an effect is applied. | ||
Healing | infiniteHealerCharge | false | true/false | Whether Healing Machines have infinite charges to heal Pokémon. |
Healing | maxHealerCharge | 6.0 | The maximum amount of full HP restoration Healing Machines can have. 1 charge is equivalent to a Max Revive, plus PP restoration. | |
Healing | chargeGainedPerTick | 0.000333333 | 0.0-maxHealerCharge | The amount of charge a Healing Machine gains per Server tick. |
Healing | defaultFaintTimer | 300 | How many seconds before reviving a fainted Pokémon. | |
Healing | faintAwakenHealthPercent | 0.2 | How much HP to restore when defaultFaintTimer is up. | |
Healing | healPercent | 0.05 | How much HP to restore when healTimer is up. | |
Healing | healTimer | 60 | How many seconds between HP naturally restoring. | |
World | appleLeftoversChance | 0.025 | The chance to drop Leftovers when a Player eats an item that has #cobblemon:held/leaves_leftovers .
| |
World | maxRootsInArea | 5 | The maximum number of #cobblemon:roots that can generate within a 8x2x8 sphere.
| |
World | bigRootPropagationChance | 0.1 | The chance that Big Roots will grow more roots where possible. | |
World | energyRootChance | 0.25 | The chance that a Big Root will grow an Energy Root. | |
World | defaultPasturedPokemonLimit | 16 | The maximum Pokémon that can be placed in a Pasture block. | |
World | pastureBlockUpdateTicks | 40 | The number of server ticks between Pasture block updates. | |
World | pastureMaxWanderDistance | 64 | The maximum amount of blocks a Pokémon can move from the Pasture block. | |
World | pastureMaxPerChunk | 4.0 | The maximum number of pastured Pokémon that can be sent out in a chunk. | |
World | maxInsertedFossilItems | 2 | The maximum amount of fossils that can be added to the FossilAnalyzer. |