(finished Healing section)
(Added new config options and removed ninjaskCreatesShedinja as it doesnt exist anymore)
Line 22: Line 22:
| Pokemon || experienceMultiplier || 2 || || Additional Exp multiplier for Exp calculation.
| Pokemon || experienceMultiplier || 2 || || Additional Exp multiplier for Exp calculation.
| Pokemon || ninjaskCreatesShedinja || true || true/false || Whether to give the Player a Shedinja using the first available Pokéball in their inventory when evolving a Nincada.
|Whether to display the Pokémon name (or ??? if undiscovered) above a Pokémon.
| Pokemon || displayEntityLevelLabel || true || true/false || Whether to display the level above a Pokémon.
| Pokemon || displayEntityLevelLabel || true || true/false || Whether to display the level above a Pokémon.
|Whether to display ??? or the Pokémon name if the Pokémon is not registered in a player's Pokédex.
|Whether to show the label about a Pokémon only when a Player is crouching.
|Range around a player in which they would get notified about a shiny Pokémon (through sound and subtitles)
| Pokemon || captureCalculator || cobblemon || cobblemon || The ID of the capture calculator. Can be added by another mod. If the ID doesn't exist it uses the default capture calculator.
| Pokemon || captureCalculator || cobblemon || cobblemon || The ID of the capture calculator. Can be added by another mod. If the ID doesn't exist it uses the default capture calculator.
Line 95: Line 117:
| Battles || walkingInBattleAnimations || false || true/false || Whether to allow walking animations to play during battle animations.
| Battles || walkingInBattleAnimations || false || true/false || Whether to allow walking animations to play during battle animations.
|Max distance a player can initiate a battle with a wild Pokémon.
|Max distance a player can initiate a battle with another player.
| Passive Status || || 180-300 || || Range of seconds before clearing the status effect. The value is selected randomly from the range each time an effect is applied.
| Passive Status || || 180-300 || || Range of seconds before clearing the status effect. The value is selected randomly from the range each time an effect is applied.
Line 111: Line 145:
| Healing || healTimer || 60 || || How many seconds between HP naturally restoring.
| Healing || healTimer || 60 || || How many seconds between HP naturally restoring.
|Max distance a player can initiate a trade with another player.
| World || appleLeftoversChance || 0.025 || || The chance to drop Leftovers when a Player eats an item that has <code>#cobblemon:held/leaves_leftovers</code>.
| World || appleLeftoversChance || 0.025 || || The chance to drop Leftovers when a Player eats an item that has <code>#cobblemon:held/leaves_leftovers</code>.

Latest revision as of 16:55, 31 December 2024

Category Setting Default Min-Max/Options Description
Pokemon maxPokemonLevel 100 1-1000 The maximum level Pokémon can get to.
Pokemon maxPokemonFriendship 255 0-1000 The maximum friendship value.
Pokemon announceDropItems true true/false Whether to notify the Player of dropped items from defeating wild Pokémon.
Pokemon defaultDropItemMethod on-entity on-entity/on-player/to-inventory

entity: Drops the item on the entity that is dying, if it exists. If not, drops at the position parsed into drops.

player: Drops the item on the player that caused the drop, if they exist. If not, drops at the position parsed into drops.

inventory: Puts the item in the player's inventory or drops it on the ground if the inventory is full. If the player that caused the drop doesn't exist, it drops at the position parsed into drops.

Pokemon ambientPokemonCryTicks 1080 Ticks between Pokémon cries. (Currently unused)
Pokemon experienceMultiplier 2 Additional Exp multiplier for Exp calculation.
Pokemon displayEntityNameLabel true true/false Whether to display the Pokémon name (or ??? if undiscovered) above a Pokémon.
Pokemon displayEntityLevelLabel true true/false Whether to display the level above a Pokémon.
Pokemon displayNameForUnknownPokemon false true/false Whether to display ??? or the Pokémon name if the Pokémon is not registered in a player's Pokédex.
Pokemon displayEntityLabelsWhenCrouchingOnly false true/false Whether to show the label about a Pokémon only when a Player is crouching.
Pokemon shinyNoticeParticlesDistance 24 Range around a player in which they would get notified about a shiny Pokémon (through sound and subtitles)
Pokemon captureCalculator cobblemon cobblemon The ID of the capture calculator. Can be added by another mod. If the ID doesn't exist it uses the default capture calculator.
Pokemon playerDamagePokemon true true/false Whether Players can attack Pokémon like normal Minecraft entities.
Pokemon maxDynamaxLevel 10 0-10 The maximum Dynamax level Pokémon can be upgraded to.
Storage defaultBoxCount 30 1-1000 The number of boxes available in the PC.
Storage pokemonSaveIntervalSeconds 30 1-120 Seconds between saving storage data to file. eg Party & PC data.
Storage storageFormat nbt nbt/json/mongodb The storage format used for storing Cobblemon data.
Storage preventCompletePartyDeposit false true/false Whether to prevent Players from depositing their last Party Pokémon into the PC.
Storage mongoDBConnectionString mongodb://localhost:27017 mongodb://IP address:port The database connection string for your mongoDB database for Cobblemon data storage.
Storage mongoDBDatabaseName cobblemon The name of the mongoDB for Cobblemon data storage.
Spawning maxVerticalCorrectionBlocks 64 1-200 The maximum number of blocks that can be corrected when choosing a spawning area. The larger this value, the more reliably spawning will work in vertically bumpy terrain such as mountains. Raising this value only has a very small, negative impact on performance.
Spawning minimumLevelRangeMax 10 1-1000 The value considered to be the highest party Pokémon level when a player's party is empty or extremely low level. The higher this value, the higher the levels of Pokémon can be around players with no or very weak Pokémon.
Spawning enableSpawning true true/false Whether to allow Pokémon to spawn.
Spawning minimumDistanceBetweenEntities 8.0 The minimum block distance between spawning Pokémon and existing Entities in the World. This prevents clustered Pokémon spawning.
Spawning maxNearbyBlocksHorizontalRange 4 The maximum number of horizontal blocks away that a block can be for it to still be considered 'nearby' in a spawn condition. Lowering this value can slightly improve performance.
Spawning maxNearbyBlocksVerticalRange 2 The maximum number of vertical blocks away that a block can be for it to still be considered 'nearby' in a spawn condition. Lowering this value can slightly improve performance.
Spawning maxVerticalSpace 8 How far to check above a spawn location to investigate head room. This value exists for performance reasons but should never be less than the largest 'height'/'depth' condition in a spawn file.
Spawning worldSliceDiameter 8 The diameter of the world slices that a spawn action can occur in. When this value is large, there is more reliably frequent spawning at the cost of performance.
Spawning worldSliceHeight 16 The height of the world slices that a spawn action can occur in. When this value is large, there is more reliably frequent spawning at the cost of performance.
Spawning ticksBetweenSpawnAttempts 20.0 The amount of ticks (~20/second) between spawn attempts.
Spawning minimumSliceDistanceFromPlayer 16.0 Minimum amount of blocks from the Player that Pokémon can spawn.
Spawning maximumSliceDistanceFromPlayer 64.0 Maximum amount of blocks from the Player that Pokémon can spawn.
Spawning exportSpawnConfig false true/false Whether to generate the spawn config for more specific spawning settings.
Spawning savePokemonToWorld true true/false Whether to save Pokémon to the World so they exist after a Chunk/World is reloaded.
Spawning pokemonPerChunk 1.0 The amount of Pokémon allowed within a Chunk when spawning.
Spawning baseApricornTreeGenerationChance 0.1 Multiplier on biome-based chance for Apricorn trees to spawn during world generation.
Spawning shinyRate 8192.0 The chance for a spawned Pokémon to be shiny. If 0 no spawned Pokémon will be shiny. Calculated as 1/x.
Spawning teraTypeRate 20.0 The chance for a spawned Pokémon to have a Tera type that doesn't match it's typing. Calculated as 1/x.
Starter exportStarterConfig false true/false Whether to generate starter.json for editing the starter list.
Battles autoUpdateShowdown true true/false Whether to automatically update Showdown to the version shipped in the current Cobblemon version.
Battles defaultFleeDistance 32 How far away a Player must get to flee a battle (non-PvP). If the value is -1, battles cannot be fled.
Battles allowExperienceFromPvP true true/false Whether to allow Exp gain from PvP battles.
Battles experienceShareMultiplier 0.5 Multiplier of how much of the total Exp is given to a Pokémon holding an Exp. Share.
Battles luckyEggMultiplier 1.5 Multiplier of how much of the total Exp is given to a Pokémon holding a Lucky Egg.
Battles allowSpectating true true/false Whether to allow battles to be spectated.
Battles walkingInBattleAnimations false true/false Whether to allow walking animations to play during battle animations.
Battles battleWildMaxDistance 12 Max distance a player can initiate a battle with a wild Pokémon.
Battles battlePvPMaxDistance 32 Max distance a player can initiate a battle with another player.
Passive Status 180-300 Range of seconds before clearing the status effect. The value is selected randomly from the range each time an effect is applied.
Healing infiniteHealerCharge false true/false Whether Healing Machines have infinite charges to heal Pokémon.
Healing maxHealerCharge 6.0 The maximum amount of full HP restoration Healing Machines can have. 1 charge is equivalent to a Max Revive, plus PP restoration.
Healing chargeGainedPerTick 0.000333333 0.0-maxHealerCharge The amount of charge a Healing Machine gains per Server tick.
Healing defaultFaintTimer 300 How many seconds before reviving a fainted Pokémon.
Healing faintAwakenHealthPercent 0.2 How much HP to restore when defaultFaintTimer is up.
Healing healPercent 0.05 How much HP to restore when healTimer is up.
Healing healTimer 60 How many seconds between HP naturally restoring.
World tradeMaxDistance 12 Max distance a player can initiate a trade with another player.
World appleLeftoversChance 0.025 The chance to drop Leftovers when a Player eats an item that has #cobblemon:held/leaves_leftovers.
World maxRootsInArea 5 The maximum number of #cobblemon:roots that can generate within a 8x2x8 sphere.
World bigRootPropagationChance 0.1 The chance that Big Roots will grow more roots where possible.
World energyRootChance 0.25 The chance that a Big Root will grow an Energy Root.
World defaultPasturedPokemonLimit 16 The maximum Pokémon that can be placed in a Pasture block.
World pastureBlockUpdateTicks 40 The number of server ticks between Pasture block updates.
World pastureMaxWanderDistance 64 The maximum amount of blocks a Pokémon can move from the Pasture block.
World pastureMaxPerChunk 4.0 The maximum number of pastured Pokémon that can be sent out in a chunk.
World maxInsertedFossilItems 2 The maximum amount of fossils that can be added to the FossilAnalyzer.