A berry tree is a naturally spawning crop that yields the player berries. All 69 berry plants have their own distinct appearance.

Berry Farming

There are 4 stages of maturity for berry trees; They will naturally grow more berries over time much like the Sweet Berry in Vanilla Minecraft.

Additionally, there are several types of mulch that can be used on berry plants at stage 0 (before they sprout) to get a variety of effects. The player can use two bonemeal on a berry plant to instantly replenish the berries.

The base 12 berries

The common 12 berries a player can find around their world.

Berry Biome spawn tag(s) Preferred Mulch
Oran Berry (model).png Oran Berry All Biomes Peat Loamy
Cheri Berry (model).png Cheri Berry Plains Loamy
Chesto Berry (model).png Chesto Berry Forest Peat
Pecha Berry (model).png Pecha Berry Jungle Swamp Humid
Rawst Berry (model).png Rawst Berry Arid Sandy
Aspear Berry (model).png Aspear Berry Mountain Taiga Coarse
Persim Berry (model).png Persim Berry All Biomes Sandy
Razz Berry (model).png Razz Berry Forest Peat
Bluk Berry (model).png Bluk Berry Mountain Taiga Coarse
Nanab Berry (model).png Nanab Berry Jungle Swamp Humid
Wepear Berry (model).png Wepear Berry Plains Loamy
Pinap Berry (model).png Pinap Berry Arid Sandy

The base 18 Super-effective berries

Berry Tree (Base 18)
Occa Berry.pngOcca Berry
Cheri Berry.png
Chesto Berry.pngChesto Berry
Pecha Berry.pngPecha Berry
Rawst Berry.pngRawst Berry
Aspear Berry.pngAspear Berry
Persim Berry.pngPersim Berry
Razz Berry.pngRazz Berry
Bluk Berry.pngBluk Berry
Nanab Berry.pngNanab Berry
Wepear Berry.pngWepear Berry
Pinap Berry.pngPinap Berry

The 18 super-effective berries have a rare chance to spawn naturally, on occasion certain Pokémon can drop one.

Berry Biome spawn tag(s) Preferred Mulch
Occa Berry
Passho Berry
Wacan Berry
Rindo Berry
Yache Berry
Chople Berry
Kebia Berry
Shuca Berry
Coba Berry
Payapa Berry
Tanga Berry
Charti Berry
Kasib Berry
Haban Berry
Colbur Berry
Babiri Berry
Chilan Berry
Roseli Berry