Held items are a series of items to be held by Pokémon. When held, these items will give Pokémon certain buffs or effects in battle.
Type-boosting items
- File:Black belt.png Black Belt
- File:Black glasses.png Black Glasses
- File:Charcoal stick.png Charcoal Stick
- File:Dragon fang.png Dragon Fang
- Magnet
- File:Metal coat.png Metal Coat
- File:Miracle seed.png Miracle Seed
- File:Mystic water.png Mystic Water
- File:Never melt ice.png Never-Melt Ice
- File:Poison barb.png Poison Barb
- File:Silk scarf.png Silk Scarf
- File:Soft sand.png Soft Sand
- File:Spell tag.png Spell Tag
- File:Twisted spoon.png Twisted Spoon