Category Setting Default Min-Max/Options Description
Pokemon maxPokemonLevel 100 1-1000 The maximum level Pokémon can get to.
Pokemon maxPokemonFriendship 255 0-1000 The maximum friendship value.
Pokemon announceDropItems true true/false Notifies the player of dropped items from defeating wild Pokémon.
Pokemon defaultDropItemMethod on-entity on-entity/on-player/to-inventory

entity: Drops the item on the entity that is dying, if it exists. If not, drops at the position parsed into drops.
player: Drops the item on the player that caused the drop, if they exist. If not, drops at the position parsed into drops.
inventory: Puts the item in the player's inventory or drops it on the ground if the inventory is full. If the player that caused the drop doesn't exist, it drops at the position parsed into drops.

Pokemon ambientPokemonCryTicks 1080 Ticks between Pokémon cries. (Currently unused)
Pokemon experienceMultiplier 2 Additional Exp multiplier for Exp calculation.
Pokemon ninjaskCreatesShedinja true true/false Whether to give the Player a Shedinja using the first available Pokéball in their inventory when evolving a Nincada.
Pokemon displayEntityLevelLabel true true/false Whether to display the level above a Pokémon.
Pokemon captureCalculator cobblemon cobblemon The ID of the capture calculator. Can be added by another mod. If the ID doesn't exist it uses the default capture calculator.
Pokemon playerDamagePokemon true true/false Whether Players can attack Pokémon like normal Minecraft entities.
Pokemon maxDynamaxLevel 10 0-10 The maximum Dynamax level Pokémon can be upgraded to.
Storage defaultBoxCount 30 1-1000 The number of boxes available in the PC.
Storage pokemonSaveIntervalSeconds 30 1-120 Seconds between saving storage data to file. eg Party & PC data.
Storage storageFormat nbt nbt/json/mongodb The storage format used for storing Cobblemon data.
Storage preventCompletePartyDeposit false true/false Whether to prevent Players from depositing their last Party Pokémon into the PC.
Storage mongoDBConnectionString mongodb://localhost:27017 mongodb://IP address:port The database connection string for your mongoDB database for Cobblemon data storage.
Storage mongoDBDatabaseName cobblemon The name of the mongoDB for Cobblemon data storage.
Spawning maxVerticalCorrectionBlocks
Spawning minimumLevelRangeMax
Spawning enableSpawning
Spawning minimumDistanceBetweenEntities
Spawning maxNearbyBlocksHorizontalRange
Spawning maxNearbyBlocksVerticalRange
Spawning maxHorizontalSpace
Spawning maxVerticalSpace
Spawning worldSliceDiameter
Spawning worldSliceHeight
Spawning ticksBetweenSpawnAttempts
Spawning minimumSliceDistanceFromPlayer
Spawning maximumSliceDistanceFromPlayer
Spawning exportSpawnConfig
Spawning savePokemonToWorld
Spawning pokemonPerChunk
Spawning baseApricornTreeGenerationChance
Spawning shinyRate
Spawning teraTypeRate
Starter exportStarterConfig false true/false Whether to generate starter.json for editing the starter list.
Battles autoUpdateShowdown
Battles defaultFleeDistance
Battles allowExperienceFromPvP
Battles experienceShareMultiplier
Battles luckyEggMultiplier
Battles allowSpectating
Battles walkingInBattleAnimations
Passive Status 180-300 Range of seconds before clearing the status effect. The value is selected randomly from the range each time.
Healing infiniteHealerCharge
Healing maxHealerCharge
Healing chargeGainedPerTick
Healing defaultFaintTimer
Healing faintAwakenHealthPercent
Healing healPercent
Healing healTimer
World appleLeftoversChance
World maxRootsInArea
World bigRootPropagationChance
World energyRootChance
World defaultPasturedPokemonLimit
World pastureBlockUpdateTicks
World pastureMaxWanderDistance
World pastureMaxPerChunk
World maxInsertedFossilItems