Tutorials/Texture replacement

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This tutorial will teach you how to make texture replacements for Cobblemon into a resource pack. Knowledge of resource packs is recommended.

Step 1: Creating your replacement texture

You will need a copy of the Pokémon's texture file so you can make edits to it. You can obtain a Pokémon's texture PNG by searching for it on the Gitlab or the mod's JAR file. Make sure you are grabbing the texture that is meant for the model currently in the mod.

Once your target Pokémon's texture PNG is obtained, you can make desired color changes using Blockbench or image editors such as paint.net or https://pixlr.com/. Make sure the dimensions of the PNG stay the same. When finished editing, save your PNG and make sure it has the exact same name as the original PNG.

Step 2: Arranging folders and files

The only two file requirements for texture replacements are textures and a pack.mcmeta file. You need to create and arrange folders so your new textures can replace the ones from the mod. Below is an example of how to arrange resource pack folders and files.

Folder Structure

  • (resource pack name)
    • assets
      • cobblemon
        • textures
          • pokemon
            • (target pokemon)
              • (pokemon).png
    • pack.mcmeta
    • pack.png (optional)

The target Pokémon folder should include the Pokédex number and the name of the Pokémon.

Example: 0001_bulbasaur

Ensure that your pack.mcmeta contains the correct data inside or this pack won't be detected as a resource pack.

Step 3: Test your pack in game

Provided your resource pack is arranged correctly, it should be ready to work in game. The folder does not need to be a ZIP to be recognized by Minecraft. It's recommended to keep packs unzipped in case any edits need to be made.

  1. Copy your pack and place it in the "resourcepacks" folder in the Minecraft root directory.
  2. Start up Minecraft and click on Options, then Resource Packs. Select your pack to load it.
  3. Load/create a world save that contains Cobblemon.
  4. Once in the world, you can run the command /pokespawn <target pokemon>.
  5. Ensure your new textures are properly replacing the old ones.

Step 4: Zip and share your resource pack (optional)

After confirming your pack is functioning properly, it can now be converted to a ZIP file using your preferred compression software. Be sure the file extension is specifically .zip

This ZIP file may now be uploaded somewhere and shared with others.