Display Case

Stack Limit | 64 |
Tool | Pickaxe |
Hardness | 0.3 |
Blast Resistance | 0.3 |
Flammable | No |
A Display Case is a decorative block that allows the player to display items similar to an Armor Stand.
Right-clicking on an empty Display Case with an item in the right hand will place the item inside of the display case. Right-clicking on a filled Display Case with an empty hand will remove the item that is inside and place it inside of the player's inventory. Right-clicking on a filled Display Case with an item different to the one displayed will replace the displayed item with the one in the player's hand and placing the previously displayed item into the player's inventory. Right-clicking on a filled Display Case with the same item to the one displayed will change the orientation of the displayed item to face towards the face of the block that was interacted with.