Resurrection Machine
A Resurrection Machine is a multi-block structure that allows the player to revive Fossils into Pokémon. The structure consists of 3 different blocks; the Fossil Analyzer, Restoration Tank, and the Data Monitor, which when placed correctly will create an electrical sound indicating that the construction was successful.
To begin restoring a fossil, the Restoration Tank must be filled with organic materials of a total value of 64, alongside the appropriate fossil or fossils. Once all conditions are met, the Resurrection Machine will begin reviving the fossil in which an embryo of the corresponding fossil will grow in the Restoration Tank.
After 12 minutes, the embryo will be fully grown, at which point the player can then either break the tank to release the embryo as a wild Pokémon or can right click with a Poké Ball in their main hand to place the Pokémon in the chosen ball and add it to their party. Players other than the original player who began the revival process will not be capable of claiming the fossil Pokémon for a time.
Fossil Analyzer

Stack Limit | 64 |
Tool | Pickaxe |
Hardness | 5 |
Blast Resistance | 6 |
Flammable | No |
A Fossil Analyzer is a utility block which is used as part of the Resurrection Machine multi-block. It is used to hold the fossils that are to be revived in the machine. Fossils can also be inserted via a hopper.

Restoration Tank

Stack Limit | 64 |
Tool | Pickaxe |
Hardness | 5 |
Blast Resistance | 6 |
Flammable | No |
A Restoration Tank is a utility block which is used as part of the Resurrection Machine multi-block. It functions as the chamber in which the fossil embryo grows within and can contain liquid organic material. Organic material can also be inserted via a hopper and can activate a Redstone Comparator depending on the amount of organic material inserted into the tank.
Organic Material Values | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 256 | |
Items | ||||||||