Healing Machine
Healing Machine (block, charge 0).pngHealing Machine (block, charge 1).pngHealing Machine (block, charge 2).pngHealing Machine (block, charge 3).pngHealing Machine (block, charge 4).pngHealing Machine (block, charge 5).pngHealing Machine (block, in use).pngHealing Machine (block, charge 0).pngHealing Machine (block, natural, charge 1).pngHealing Machine (block, natural, charge 2).pngHealing Machine (block, natural, charge 3).pngHealing Machine (block, natural, charge 4).pngHealing Machine (block, natural, charge 5).pngHealing Machine (block, in use).png
Healing Machine.pngHealing Machine
Stack Limit 64
Tool Pickaxe
Hardness 2
Blast Resistance 2
Flammable No
Light Level 2 / 7 (when charged)

A Healing Machine is a utility block that allows the player to heal the Pokémon in their party.

The healing machine will start with zero charge when placed in non-Creative game modes. The healing machine will charge up over time and continue charging indefinitely, even after being fully charged.

The healing machine emits a redstone signal with a power of 1 for every 10% charge it has when attached to a Redstone Comparator.

Cobblemon 1.6 allows Pokécenters to generate within villages, which contain a naturally generated Healing Machine. These healing machines are unique in that they have a different texture and if mined drops 1 Iron Ingot instead of the block itself.



Copper Ingot.pngCopper Ingot
Ghast Tear.pngGhast Tear
Copper Ingot.pngCopper Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Healing Machine.pngHealing Machine


Changing Villager Profession

A nurse.
For more information, see Villager

If not already claimed by a Villager, a Healing Machine may be used as a job block to change a Villager's profession into a Nurse.


  • 1.0.0 - Healing Machine.png Added the Healing Machine.
    The crafting recipe for the Healing Machine was originally 2 copper ingots and 5 iron ingots.
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Copper Ingot.pngCopper Ingot
Copper Ingot.pngCopper Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Healing Machine.pngHealing Machine
  • 1.3 - The Healing Machine now emits light when fully charged. Added a visual indicator of charge with 6 stages. Now emits a variable Redstone signal when attached to a Redstone Comparator.
  • 1.4.1 - The crafting recipe of the Healing Machine has been changed to consist of 1 diamond, 1 max revive, 1 ghast tear, 4 iron ingots, and 2 copper ingots.
Copper Ingot.pngCopper Ingot
Ghast Tear.pngGhast Tear
Copper Ingot.pngCopper Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Max Revive.pngMax Revive
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Healing Machine.pngHealing Machine
Copper Ingot.pngCopper Ingot
Ghast Tear.pngGhast Tear
Copper Ingot.pngCopper Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot
Healing Machine.pngHealing Machine
  • 1.6 - Added a natural block state property for the healing machine block; when property is set to true, the block will have a different texture and drop an iron ingot instead of itself. Healing machines also act as a job block, allowing Villagers to take the Nurse profession.