Poison Barb
Poison Barb.png
Poison Barb.pngPoison Barb
Stack Limit 64

A Poison Barb is a held item that boosts the power of the holder's Poison-type moves by 20%.



Fermented Spider Eye.pngFermented Spider Eye
Poison Barb.pngPoison Barb


Dex No. Pokémon Rate Quantity
0015 Beedrill 2.5% 1
0029 Nidoran♀ 2.5% 1
0030 Nidorina 5% 1
0031 Nidoqueen 10% 1
0032 Nidoran♂ 2.5% 1
0033 Nidorino 5% 1
0034 Nidoking 10% 1
0072 Tentacool 2.5% 1
0073 Tentacruel 5% 1