Razor Fang
Razor Fang.png
Razor Fang.pngRazor Fang
Stack Limit 64

A Razor Fang is a held item that grants the holder's damaging attacks a 10% chance of causing the target to flinch.

It is also an evolution item that can be used to evolve Gligar into Gliscor if Gligar levels up whilst holding a Razor Fang at night. This consumes the Razor Fang.



Dex No. Pokémon Rate Quantity
0023 Ekans 2.5% 1
0024 Arbok 5% 1
0041 Zubat 2.5% 1
0042 Golbat 5% 1
0169 Crobat 10% 1
0207 Gligar 2.5% 1
0303 Mawile 5% 1
0472 Gliscor 10% 1


Crafting Ingredient

Razor Fang.pngRazor Fang
Dragon's Breath.pngDragon's Breath
Dragon Fang.pngDragon Fang