Quick Claw
Quick Claw.png
Quick Claw.pngQuick Claw
Stack Limit 64

A Quick Claw is a held item that grants the holder a 20% chance of moving first in its priority bracket.



Dex No. Pokémon Rate Quantity
0052 Meowth 2.5% 1
0053 Persian 5% 1
0027 Sandshrew 2.5% 1
0028 Sandslash 5% 1
0215 Sneasel 2.5% 1
0403 Shinx 2.5% 1
0404 Luxio 5% 1
0405 Luxray 10% 1
0461 Weavile 5% 1


Prior to 1.4, from version 1.3.1 to 1.3.2, Sneasel did not drop the Quick Claw due to a bug.