The Pokédex is a tool used to scan and track your seen and captured Pokémon. There are 7 unique Pokédex colors to choose from.

The Pokédex is used to register, track and display information about the various Pokémon available in the mod, including typing, gender differences, regional forms, region bias, cries, animations, abilities, height, weight, base stats, drops and a lore description for each Pokémon.
Pokémon can be added to the Pokédex via holding right click whilst holding the item and scanning the Pokémon, or by capturing the Pokémon via the use of a Poké Ball, in which they will be automatically added to the Pokédex. Scanning a Pokémon instead of capturing them will only display minimal information, with most information being hidden.
You can view your Pokédex by right clicking whilst holding the item and can track the amount of Pokémon scanned or captured in the top right. The Pokédex can also be sorted by region and can be filtered to search for specific Pokémon species names, ability or drops.
Using the scanner feature, you can view a Pokémon's name, gender, level, whether it is owned and, if previously caught, typing. You can also zoom in and out with the Pokédex by using the scroll wheel, allowing for long-range scanning. Holding left-click whilst hovering over a scanned Pokémon will open up the Pokédex to their respective page. Right clicking a scanned Pokémon will also open up the Pokédex to their respective page.